Allercy and Asthma Health
The Official Publication of AAN - MA

News Bits

Workplace Contributes to Asthma Attacks

European researchers find 15% of all asthma attacks among workers are caused by exposure to gases, dust, fumes, and other substances on the job.

Dogs Worse than Cats for Kids at Risk for Asthma

Children with a family history of asthma were more likely to develop the condition if they lived in households with dogs than households with cats. Investigators believe the higher risk may be related to the greater amount of an allergic substance called endotoxin found on dogs.

Mouth Breathing Has Far-Reaching Effects

Chronic mouth breathing associated with allergies can lead to big trouble, especially for children. According to New Jersey researchers, the condition can alter facial features and keep children from getting enough oxygen into their blood, affecting everything from their sleep to their school performance.

Asthma Linked to Low Vitamin D Levels in Kids

Denver investigators find 47% of their pediatric asthma patients have insufficient levels of vitamin D and 17% have levels considered deficient. Children with lower vitamin D levels were also found to have higher levels of IgE, a key marker of allergy.

Asthmatic Teens Just as Likely To "Huff"

A new government study suggests "huffing"—the practice of inhaling household products to get high—is just as common in teens with asthma as in teens without the condition. Overall, 4.4% of kids age 12 to 17 with respiratory problems engaged in huffing in the past year, compared to 4.1% of teens without respiratory problems.

The Electronic Nose Knows

A device that sniffs out volatile organic compounds in exhaled breath—dubbed the "electronic nose"—proved to be better than standard diagnostic tests in identifying asthma in an Italian study. When combined with another test that measures exhaled nitric oxide, it was even more effective.

High Traffic Areas Raise Asthma Risk

California researchers find kids who attend schools located near freeways or other busy roads are 45% more likely to develop asthma. The increased risk was about the same as that seen in kids who live near these pollution sources—even though kids spend less time in school than they do at home.

More Asthma Seen in Kids on Fast Food Diet

According to Canadian researchers, kids who eat fast food more than once or twice a week are nearly twice as likely to develop asthma. They believe the increased risk may be due to higher sodium levels in fast food, which can lead to "twitchy" airways and wheezing.


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